Our Missionaries

"and he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature."

Mark 16:15

Supporting missionaries is among our top priorities.  We are diligent about giving our money to front-line missionaries who are faithfully, wisely, and aggressively impacting their communities for the Lord.  God is using our missionaries around the world in amazing ways!  
John  &  Selina  Allen – Papua   New   Guinea
Eddie &  Sindy  Arold – Thailand
BJ & Jessie Cormier – deaf in Kenya
Peter & Enyde Duke – Mexico
Juanito &  Rose  Genada – Haiti
Brother Dieusel – Haiti
Brother Otchalva – Haiti
Christopher & Victoria Hunter - Philippines
Mike & Lidia Lemma – Mexico
Xavier & Rebecca Lopez – Bolivia

Fisa  Mihy-Mihyndu  – Gabon
Jason & Cassie Tate – Honduras
Touch & Debra Keo – Cambodia
Kevin & Mary Bennet – Philippines
Juan & Amy Vallejo – Brazil
Dave & Dawn Whitmore – Brazil
Daniel & Misty Wilder – Guatemala
Matt & Barbara Furan – Saipan
Youngs –Closed Location
Todd & Tammy Painter – Thailand
Bible Literature and Missionary Foundation